Saturday 24 June 2017


I do not have the time or the courage to finish this draft!  Sorry!  But, remember, it is not only about the food we supposedly do not eat during this Holy Month, but about the tons of food we see displayed for Eid (or even during the breaking of the fast every single day!) while no mention (or not much) is made of the needy and the oppressed we were supposed to have helped as an offering to God!  Muslims will hate me for this, but I do not give a damn!


Sunday 25 to Monday 26 June 2017

Ma Durga

Shakti. Durga or Durga Maa Warrior Goddess  
HINDUSTAN was not one country or one nation under one religion.  The name is Persian.  Every single region of that sub-continent had its own Gods and Goddesses.  Calling all believers in one or many of those religions, Gods and Goddesses, HINDUS or their religion HINDUISM is wrong and very misleading.  
One brief description of their main Goddess and one of her 9 forms is enough to show that all this is pure myth and legend, and not real or authentic inspirations of men and women of old.   

"This is the most famous and well-known form of Shakti. Durga or Maa Durga as she is called is the presiding deity of West Bengal and she is known as the purest form of Shakti. She is the one who slay the demon Mahisasura and her power knows no bounds. Maa Durga was born when  Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar were all three troubled by the atrocities of Mahishasura and even their combined powers could nothing to stop him. It was at this crucial juncture that Durga is said to have been born from the anger and helplessness of these three Gods along with the anger from many other demi-Gods fighting the battle against the demons."

 Image Credit: www.exoticindiaart.comImage Credit:
[Read More: Navratri 2015: Significance of the 9-day Indian festival]

7. Chandika
"... When the Gods became furious with rage, all their energies combined threw out flames and it was through this ball of flame that the female form of Chandika was born."

And, also to my Muslim Teacher par excellence Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson, my Christic adopted son and brave Freedom-Fighter Brendon O’Connell, my courageous Christic Brother Mark Glenn of “The Ugly Truth”, my dedicated Christic Sister Vickie Jacobs, my open-minded and remarkable Muslimah Sister Kiran Javed, my great Muslim Truth Jihaadi Brother DR KEVIN BARRETT of “Truth Jihad Radio and MUJCA, a Faithful Muslim, and a Christic, very courageous, dedicated and persevering Freedom and Truth Mujaahid like Brendon O’Connell, Christic Field McConnell and David Hawkins of Abel Danger, Pr Anthony Hall, “Agnostic” Pr James Henry Fetzer, and many others, also to the “Hindu” side of my shattered family, and to all friends and foes alike .  I am indeed puny compared to them all, and millions others for that matter!   I avoid using the term Christian as Christians themselves do not agree about its real meaning.   However, this is not written to please anybody, neither so-called Christians nor so-called Muslim, nor so-called Believers and Non Believer alike, but only to research and find out the truth about human behaviour as much as there can be a meaningful and practical truth about anything!  Truth is a rare commodity, and is very slippery, and it has proved useless (or is rarely useful) for most of us, HYPOCRITES, either individually or collectively.
While we preach God and religion, Jewish Illuminati depravity is in full swing and being imposed on the entire world as the new religion.  Non White Christianity is a farce and is a political Jewish Illuminati weapon to destroy WHITE IDENTITY! (BAFS)

What You Don't Know about Jews

Fifth Century Hindustani Religious Sect:
Shaktism reveres the Supreme as the Divine Mother, Shakti or Devi, in Her many forms, both gentle and fierce. Shaktas use mantra, tantra, yantra, yoga and puja to invoke cosmic forces and awaken the kundalini power. Aum.

“Hinduism” is not a religion, but all the religions practiced throughout the ages in the Indian “sub-continent” other than the identifiable ones like Islam and Christianity, or the Buddhist and Zoroastrian (Parsi) religions. 

SHAKTI DEVI.  Some of its dogmas like all is “infinite consciousness” are preached also by David Icke the New Age Guru, the 1990’s self-proclaimed Son of God, the Christ (?), a kind of prophet of Doom who expects all religions to be destroyed and all religious people to be exterminated for his religion and God to prevail.  His Great Flood is the X Factor!   His new humans will have engineered DNA. And his ALMIGHTY Being, his Shakti Devi who he calls Rakorski, the Supreme Deity, the Solar Logos that he borrowed from Helena Blavatski and others. 

Chapter 10.125 of the Rig Veda, (also called the Devi Suktam hymn).
I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.
     Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.
Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, – each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.
     They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.
I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.
     I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.
I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.
     I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.
On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.
     Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.
I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.
     The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.

Devi Sukta, Rigveda 10.125.3 – 10.125.8

In my understanding, the essential truths and fallacies in all religions, including Greek and Nordic ones, are found in here, all but Islam only to a far lesser extent.  However, all religions, in practice, including Islam, are utterly confusing due to a plethora of reasons, which I will not go into here. 

Catholics (in general) claim they are the only true religion in the world, and that ALL THE OTHERS, INCLUDING PROTESTANTISM, ARE FALSE.  They even claim that the Protestants worship A FALSE JESUS.  And Protestants return them the compliment by claiming that the Roman Catholic Church is Satanistic, and the Pope is the ANTI-CHRIST!  

Recommendation to my 12 year old granddaughter on our first day of FASTING, Jumaymah (12) and Dada (71), Bank Holiday 29th of May 2017 at her Papa’s place.  From 6:00AM to 6:00PM maximum.  While fasting, drink mineral or filtered tap water as you feel the need, especially in hot weather, and eat as you feel the real need.  On breaking the fast, eat only healthy food: naturally grown, home or locally grown if possible, “organic” honey, dates, almond, plums, yoghurt, cheese, wholemeal milk, wholemeal rice, wholemeal bread, pressed fruit juice, if possible home-pressed/made, and green vegetables. Avoid meat as much as possible, and use only raw brown sugar only when necessary.   Bearing in mind that most food products sold in the market and shop are very unhealthy or are not food at all, just factory products with added chemicals and poison made for profit alone and with our votes at bogus elections.  A few examples: kitchen or table salt with added Sodium HexaCYANOferrate II, soft drinks with ASPARTAME, and Genetically Modified Organism or GMO.  There are thousands more.  

Most Muslims make a big fuss about Ramadan, while adopting totally un-Islamic and anti-Islamic life styles!  They fast sometimes for 18-19 hours and consume more food during Ramadan than in any other month, not giving a damn about those really in need of food in other parts of the world, not realising how stupid they are and how detrimental to a healthy and civilised society this kind of life style is.  Amongst so many other things, most of them are addicted to meat, non halâl (authorised islamically) and non tayyab (not pure or non-natural) factory and engineered products (forbidden or not recommended islamically).  And, they are too ignorant, stubborn or too fanatical to admit that Ramadan (fasting and the end of fasting) is an offering to God that He does not need (God has no need!), but is good for us and for those in great need not only of food and water, but also of the basic necessities of life – whether there is such a God or not!   

A successful Ramadan is one where Muslims and other fasting, non fasting, and compassionate people would have done what God (or Ancient Wisdom and Modern Sanity) expects from them (or us all) not only for ourselves, but for others IN NEED.  This is called BALIDAN (BALI, like in “Hinduism”, is an offering to God or Gods, and BALIDAN is Martyrdom or sacrifice TO GOD or GODS for the sake of BENEFIT or PROFIT to individuals, people, society or nation, or as I see it as it is practiced, a kind of bribery!), QURBÂNI, QURBÂNÂ, QORBÂN, CORBAN, that is, OFFERINGS TO GOD FOR OUR OWN BENEFIT DURING AND AFTER FASTING.  And, more importantly QURBÂNI does not stop with the end of the fasting month. 

Strange “Satanic” world where little is for God except the preaching!   The Evil rulers of this world and their modern slaves (“client-States”) have Usurious Bank Holidays, but I never heard of God’s Holidays!  Is it because God is a grotesque farce?  Or Gods for that matter!  Humans, mainly men, have been known to obtain inspiration from a world unknown to most of us, or simply to make up stories (fables, legends,…) for the purpose of keeping the family or the tribe together, or to make life better for one and all as a society, a nation, or for some Élite class to always make them richer at the expense of the impoverished by them masses.  Again, it does not really matter whether there is such a God or not!  Old religions of Hindustan, Greece, Europe, Middle and Near East are prime examples. 

DEDICATED TO MY CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN.  And, also to my Muslim Teacher par excellence Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson, my Christic adopted son and brave Freedom-Fighter Brendon O’Connell, my courageous Christic Brother Mark Glenn of “The Ugly Truth”, my dedicated Christic Sister Vickie Jacobs, my open-minded and remarkable Muslimah Sister Kiran Javed, my great Muslim Truth Jihaadi Brother DR KEVIN BARRETT of “Truth Jihad Radio and MUJCA, a Faithful Muslim, and a Christic, very courageous, dedicated and persevering Freedom and Truth Mujaahid like Brendon O’Connell, Christic Field McConnell and David Hawkins of Abel Danger, Pr Anthony Hall, “Agnostic” Pr James Henry Fetzer, and many others, also to the “Hindu” side of my shattered family, and to all friends and foes alike .  I am indeed puny compared to them all, and millions others for that matter!   I avoid using the term Christian as Christians themselves do not agree about its real meaning.   However, this is not written to please anybody, neither so-called Christians nor so-called Muslim, nor so-called Believers and Non Believer alike, but only to research and find out the truth about human behaviour as much as there can be a meaningful and practical truth about anything!  Truth is a rare commodity, and is very slippery, and it has proved useless (or is rarely useful) for most of us, HYPOCRITES, either individually or collectively.

Is Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones conspiring against Islam and 6 QUESTIONS TO TEST YOUR INTELLIGENCE

Published on 19 May 2017
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Is the Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones conspiring against Islam with 6 very important QUESTIONS about 9/11 that will TEST YOUR INTELLIGENCE?

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Sunday, 5 June 2016


Wednesday, 1 June 2016


1993, Dr Kevin Barrett reverted to Islam and he is, in my view, the greatest Academic Truth Freedom Fighter of the time.  I apologize to him and others if they feel offended by my ‘outrageous’ statements regarding God, religion, and even Islam and Muslims.  I need to state at the onset that I was born in a colonial Muslim family with some 8 siblings out of 11, including myself, having apostatized, including our own father, but I embraced Islam wholeheartedly as a knowledgeable of the essentials and autodidact adult. And I will remain a Muslim until I die even if I regard the whole issue about Paradise, Hell and a Day of Judgement only as metaphors.  The reason why I mention Dr Kevin Barrett here is because I know of no other human being, apart from me and Dr Zakir Naïk, who has been fighting for (Atheists, Hindus,) Jews, Christians and Muslims to come to common terms.  Dr Naïk and I have added “Hinduism” in the equation, which started as a religion akin to Islam.  I added Atheism, which in my understanding is a religion too or a variety of religions.    

-         BALI, like in “Hinduism”, is an offering to God or Gods, and BALIDAN is Martyrdom or sacrifice TO GOD or GODS for the sake of BENEFIT or PROFIT to individuals, people, society or nation.

-         The hypocrisy of most Believers, and in particular of “Hindus”, Christians and Muslims about FASTING and QURBANI (CORBAN, BALI, BALIDAN) will never stop.    An offering to God has become a kind of BRIBERY (as I said earlier) and any Believer who thinks God can be bribed is completely deluded.  Or, if that is the case with nearly 5 billion believers indulging in such practices, from Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims, then it cannot be any Real God at all, nor even the One we imagine!  

The Christians, consciously or unconsciously, will never stop lying about this Old Testament religious practice that was common in most old Traditions.  First, they (most of them) will not stop their ant-Arabic, anti-Arab, anti-Islam, and anti-Muslim racism.  They changed many or most of the inherited Bani Israel concepts and traditions inherited frompat widom to make them Christian even when this means to go against Israelite written “Holy Scriptures”, although it is true that these had been destroyed and re-written, and corrupted nobody knows how many times.  Only God knows as He felt ‘compelled’ to send Islam, which already exited, in a Perfected form  into the world and that He promised He will protect Himself from corruption deciding not to trust humans anymore, and not even Muslims! 

Christians wrongly claim and preach that CORBAN is a Hebrew word, but DAMN IT, the Hebrew is QORBÂN for offering; the Syriac is QURBÂNÂ, and Arabic language(s) existed well before Hebrew, and the Arabs of old practiced “QURBANI” since at least the time of Isma’il (Ishmael in Egyptian or Babylonian Hebrew) after the nonsensical or mythical human QURBANI his father Abraham was reported to be about to make, and which was replaced by a lamb or sheep at the last minute.  In Old Traditions, plant and animal sacrifices (offerings) were made in order to appease, please, obtain favours, or thank the Gods or God, which had for result to bring nearness to the deities or the Spirits.  

The term “QORBÂN” used in Mark 7:11 (King James Version) was so incomprehensible (“It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.” that the New King James Version (It cannot be King James’ if it is NEW!) had to change it almost completely and re-interpret it closer to the Islamic understanding or rendering (““Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban”—’ (that is, a gift to God)”).

MEANING IN ISLAM: simply put, whatever good I do to other(s) is an offering to God.  This is why, the Muslim recipient never thanks the offeror (donor), but prays to God to reward the donor – Jazāk Allāh (Arabic: جزاك اللهُ‎‎) or Jazāk Allāhu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا).  It is a term used as an Islamic expression of gratitude meaning "May Allāh reward you with goodness."  In short, all good or goodness done by a Muslim to any other being, be it plant, animal, human or even the habitat, is an offering to God, a QURBÂNI.  But, Christian eager to reform Judaism,  invented the sacrifice of a real human being, that is, the very and Only Begotten Son of the Jewish God who they claim offered himself as a QORBÂN to God his own Father!  There is nothing more grotesque than this, and they have the audacity of blaming and accusing and mocking the Vedaists and the Vedantists (“Hindus”) for such kind of myths or fairy tales.

But, they were not the innovators.  Human sacrifice and other barbaric concepts and practices existed well before, including in the so-called Old Testament.  Human sacrifices in the Americas are said to have been practiced in ancient times.  A few years ago, Elizabeth II, the illegitimate queen of the United Kingdom of Greater Israel was found guilty of human sacrifice (Canadian native school children. Ref: Kevin Annett) by the Brussels Tribunal, and a warrant for her arrest was issued.  Another warrant was issued for the arrest of Pope Ratzinger for other offences.

According to their corrupt and twisted Israelite Scripture, “a son might be justified in NOT supporting his old parents simply because he designated his property or a part of it as a gift to the temple, that is, as "Corban" even if that goes against Moses’ own teaching to honour their fathers and mothers or suffer capital punishment:

 ‘Whoever curses/reviles, disgraces/dishonours his father or mother must be/must surely be/is to be/shall be/ shall surely be/is certainly/is certainly to be put to death or shall die the death.’ 

Exodus 21:17And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (KJV)


Christians banned many of those barbaric or misunderstood concepts, and in particular that Old Israel Testament and that Old Tradition of sacrifice by changing it into the QÔRBAN of Christ as an “atonement” and reconciliation.  The CHRIST-QÔRBAN or BALIDAN made the believer RECONCILED or ONE WITH GOD because Christians claim that the relationship between God and the Believers was BROKEN because of the Israelite story (legend, fairy tale, myth…) that Adam had sinned against God by having sex with Eve.  They call it the ORIGINAL SIN.  But, it was definitely not a WILLING SACRIFICE as Christians keep repeating, but a DEATH SENTENCE pronounced by the Jewish Council (Sanhedrin) and the Roman authorities as Jesus was seen as a political radical and social trouble-maker.

Christian leadership fabricated a Divine Plan to “save humanity” from that old fabricated Original Sin by killing on the Cross God’s Own Begotten Son (another fabrication), He had with “God knows” whom, on a/or the “Cross”.  He even had help from the Holy Spirit or Ghost to impregnate Maryam or Mary!  All this is very confusing as we are made to believe that God offered His Own Son as a QÔRBAN to Himself in order to “SAVE HUMANITY”.  Nothing makes sense, but this belief was forced upon all or most of the people subjugated by the Roman Empire and their powerful churches.  Both the State and the Church had been instrumental into forcing their own fabricated dogmas on the subjugated Christian populations, and all those who refued thi diktat were burned as heretics.  

They made Jesus die, and then resurrected him from the dead!  Another fable!  To this day, Christians are so confused that they worship at least Four Gods, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit or Ghost, and Maryam or Miriam, the mother of Jesus or of God who they call Mary, Marie or Maria, depending on the European language it I translated into.

The word “atonement” was introduced by William Tyndale in 1526, “when he was working on his popular translation of the Bible, to translate the Latin word reconciliatio.”  One Black racist or racialist modern Sect called the Nation of “Islam” although it blaspheme Islam and Muhammad has adopted many post Biblical concepts into their Protestant religion, for example, Saviour’s Day, Atonement, God incarnate, etc.

So, Christianity or Christianism or Paulinity or Paulinism was not Israel, but a new Roman religion founded on Paulian or Paulinist dogmas (he fabricated all of them claiming direct Revelations from Christ himself,  making literal fools of all the other 11 so-called Apostles, a Roman religion by which men and women were RECONCILED with God through the death of Jesus, and which some call Spiritual Israel of a New Covenant after they abolished the Old Covenant.  In fact, they made everything up to suit their new imperialist religion.  “In the Revised Standard Version the word reconciliation replaces the word atonement.”

DO NOT LAUGH, CRY OR SCREAM YET, the Christian God created the first man PERFECT, but the Devil caued him to become IMPERFECT by making him SIN and caused him to be cast out of the Garden (Paradise).  Adam the “firs man” (he wasn’t!) has been accused of bringing sin into the world which all humanity has inherited, where the need of a human QÔRBAN to RECONCILE humankind with God!  If we refuse that Christ died for our sins, WE ALL DESERVE DEATH!  Nice Reformation!

The "Christianity" they have today has almost no relationship, in doctrine or in way of life, to the "the original teachings of Jesus."”

Yet, “there is no single doctrine of the atonement in the New Testament. In fact, perhaps more surprisingly, there is no official Church definition either.” (BBC)


John the Baptist describes Jesus as "the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world". (John 1:29)

And Jesus did not recognize John when he met him, and vice versa!


Anybody who tells us they are celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr (Eid mean celebration!) to mark the end of the Fasting Mont of Ramadhan should be asked one simple question:   


 Just by abstaining from food and drinks (often foolishly for 12 to 18 hours) is not the real purpose of BALIDAN, QURBÂNI, QURBÂNÂ, QORBÂN, CORBAN, OFFERINGS TO GOD DURING AND AFTER FASTING.

What did they do for the needy and the suffering people of the Earth?  
 Have much better have Muslims become after Ramadhan?

Eid al-Fitr holiday: How many days is it by country?

Eid al-Fitr holidays in 2017 range from 23 days in Saudi Arabia to three in Pakistan.


 Official Eid al-Fitr holidays for 2017 [Al Jazeera]

Traditionally, Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for three days as an official holiday in all Muslim-majority countries.
However, the number of vacation days varies by country and also depends on the date on which Eid al-Fitr is observed in each country.
In 2017, Eid al-Fitr is expected either on Sunday June 25, or Monday June 26.
Meanwhile, the following public holidays have been officially announced:

  • Saudi Arabia: 23-day public holiday from the 21st of Ramadan until the 15th of Shawal, the lunar month that follows Ramadan. That is, from Friday June 16 until Saturday July 8.
  • Qatar: 11-day holiday from Friday June 23 until Monday July 3. 
  • UAE and Kuwait: Nine-day holiday if Eid is declared to be on Monday, or five days if it is on Sunday. In either case, the holiday will start from Friday June 23.
  • Oman: Nine-day holiday, from Friday June 23 until Saturday July 1.
  • Jordan, and Palestine: Six-day holiday, from Friday June 23 until Wednesday June 28. 
  • Egypt: Five-day holiday from Friday June 23 until Tuesday June 27.  
  • Lebanon: Four-day holiday if Eid is declared to be on Monday, or three days if it is on Sunday. In either case, the holiday will start from Saturday June 24.
  • Nigeria: Four-day holiday from Saturday June 24 until Tuesday June 27.
  • Pakistan: Three-day holiday from Monday June 26 until Wednesday June 28. 
  • Philippines, and Ghana: Three-day holiday from Saturday June 24 until Monday June 26.
Eid has been a public holiday in the Philippines since 2002, established by the Republic Act 9177.

Egypt arrests Chinese Muslim students amid police sweep

Scores of Uighurs forced to flee in Cairo and Alexandria after police sweep on Beijing's request, rights groups say.

Some 20 Uighur students from Cairo's Al-Azhar University were arrested in Alexandria [File: AP]
Egyptian police have detained scores of Chinese students from the Uighur ethnic minority on Beijing's request, forcing dozens into hiding or to flee to Turkey, activists have said.
The sweep began on Tuesday when police raided two restaurants frequented by Uighur students in Cairo and detained at least 37 people, Abduweli Ayup, a Uighur activist in Turkey, told Al Jazeera on Friday.
Dozens more have been arrested since, Ayup, said, including 20 from Cairo's Al-Azhar University who were stopped in the city of Alexandria on their way out of the country late on Wednesday.
They were told they would be deported to China, Ayup said. 
"Students, especially those who study religion, are being targeted," Ayup said. "The police are searching apartment by apartment ... In Cairo, people are in hiding. They are terrified. They are afraid to go out."
The detentions come amid reports that authorities in the Uighur homeland of Xinjiang in western China are seeking the immediate return of Uighurs studying abroad.
China blames unrest in Xinjiang, which has included bombings and vehicle and knife attacks, on exiled Uighur separatist groups. 
A traditionally Muslim group, many Uighurs complain of cultural and religious repression and discrimination by China.

Forced return 

Lucia Parrucci, a spokeswoman for the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization advocacy group, said rights groups have moved some 60 Uighur students out of Egypt to safety in Turkey on Thursday alone. 
Many of those remaining in Cairo "told us that they are afraid to sleep at home out of fear of their own arrest," she said in an email to Al Jazeera. 
Some 80 Uighur students have been arrested since the sweep began, she said.
The Chinese government has forced thousands of Uighur students abroad to return home since January 2017, she said, adding that some 90 percent of the estimated 7,000 - 8,000 Uighurs living in Egypt had returned to China.
"We have learned that many of the students have been arrested directly at the airport upon their return and sent to re-education camps. None of them have been able to see family members and no information was provided to their families about their whereabouts," she said.
Human Rights Watch urged Egypt on Wednesday not to send Uighur detainees back to China, saying they faced "persecution and torture" there. 
Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW's Middle East director, also urged authorities to disclose the whereabouts of Uighur detainees and grant them access to lawyers. 
Unverified videos shared on Twitter showed more than 70 Uighurs sitting on a floor in a government building and others being driven in a truck in handcuffs.
Ayup said rights groups lost touch with the detainees on Friday.
Abdullah, an Asian student of Islam at Al-Azhar university, told the Associated Press news agency that Uighurs were being detained in the Hay el Sabia area of Cairo's Nasr City district. He gave only his first name for fear of reprisals.
"They're mostly arresting the young men," Sumaya, a Uighur woman living in Cairo, told The Middle East Eye on Thursday. "But I know of women who have been taken too, though we hide when we hear the government knocking on our door." 
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman appeared to acknowledge on Thursday that Chinese citizens had been detained in Egypt, saying at a regular briefing that consular officials would visit them.
Geng Shuang, a foreign ministry spokesman, said that "as far as I know, China's embassy in Egypt has sent consular officials to conduct consular visits". He gave no further details.
The Egyptian police denied requests for comment.
Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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